
Jun 22, The Strongest Energy Drink

Jun 22, The Strongest Energy Drink There's a lot of interest in energy drinks -- Are they unhealthy?Are they Dangerous?What is the Strongest Energy Drink?
I have covered all these topics pretty thoroughly at, but I thought I should toss out a few inflammatory opinions for new readers today.So, here goes! Everyone, almost, wants more energy, but -- if you've been around the block a time or two -- you know that some ways are better than others to get the boost you want.
Chasing after stronger and stronger energy drinks is a fool's errand because we build up a tolerance to anything we do often.There is only one end to this quest and that is when our body tells us it is time to quit pushing it so hard.
There have been very few deaths connected to energy drinks.That being said, no one wants to be one of them.
As I have said elsewhere, any danger connected with energy drinks comes from two sources.One, is from bad formulation -- usually too much caffeine and sugar (or aspartame).The other danger comes from the youthful tendency to push themselves to the limit.
This lemming-like drive to drink the strongest energy drink is the toughest energy drink danger to fix.That's because it is rare that a young person will listen to someone with far more experience.
I recently watched a young woman drink 3 Red Bulls in a morning without eating and then begin feeling like puking.What can you say until they are ready to listen?
When you include alcohol in the mix, all reason may go out the window!
To use an old analogy, "What goes up, must come down." Trying to use highly caffeinated energy drinks like they are cocaine -- or as a replacement for sleep, when needed -- often leads to extreme discomfort and maybe tragedy.
On the other hand, a wisely-formulated drink (in the hands of a sober-minded person) can be very useful in sharpening the wits and increasing focus and stamina.They are also useful for stimulating weight loss.renal diet calorie counter losing weight fast
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