
Which Exercises are Cardio Exercises?

Which Exercises are Cardio Exercises? Some of the simplest and oldest cardiovascular exercises are also some of the most effective and proven in promoting fitness and health.One benefit of performing some of these exercises is that often very little equipment is needed, as they can be done without a gym.Talk to your doctor beforehand to ensure you are healthy enough to engage in any cardiovascular exercise.
Swimming is a non-impact cardiovascular exercise, which means that your joints are spared from any jarring.This reduces the risk for injury and makes the exercise suitable for those with injuries or disabilities.Swimming offers a number of aerobic benefits because it works all the major muscle groups.Regular swimming can also promote muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility.Coordination and balance are also improved when using various strokes, such as the backstroke, breast stroke and freestyle.
One of the most basic cardiovascular exercises is running.Making running a part of your regular fitness routine helps burn a high number of calories and can promote weight loss, especially around the hips.Running can be a high-intensity exercise, depending on how fast and far your run.If you are a beginner and have joint problems, start slow to see how running affects your knees.Over time, regular running can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the blood pressure.
Cross-Country Skiing
Cross-country skiing is a high-intensity cardiovascular activity that nearly anyone can do.This low-impact exercise works your entire body.All the major muscle groups are consistently engaged as you propel yourself forward, burning a high amount of calories.Cross-country skiing is designed to be a long-duration exercise, so be sure you are physically fit enough to perform this aerobic activity.If you do not live in an area that receives much snow, you can still mimic the cross-country skiing technique through brisk walking with poles.
Elliptical Trainer
Elliptical training, while not a traditional cardiovascular workout, has gained a popular following among gym-goers.The smooth, continuous motion of an elliptical makes it ideal if you have knee problems.Users experience no jarring effect when using the elliptical, and you can work both the upper and lower body through the use of the handlebars that move in sync with the foot pedals.You can control the resistance with an elliptical trainer and make a workout as challenging as you want.Most elliptical trainers can also be pedaled backwards, which engages different muscle groups.
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