
Have I Done My Best

Have I Done My Best

A fellow sister blogger pointed me to this video.В  Grab some tissues
and view before you continue reading.

Throughout the day the words for this old hymn rolled around in my mind

I wonderВ have IВ done my best for Jesus
when He has done so much for me.

How many times have I thought, «We are already giving so much to the Lord’s work!В  How can we afford to do more?»В  And then .The Shoeshine Pastor.В  One man, a poor pastor by our standards, until his health prevents him, shines shoes to support additional children for Compa*sion International.В 

It made me think long and hard.В  What more can I be doing in my life?В  What additional sacrifices can I make so thatВ  hungry stomachsВ can be filled, shoes can be placed on bare feet,В  children canВ be shelteredВ safely, and most importantly, God’s Word be placed into empty hands?В  What more can I do?В  What more can you do?

Whatever you have done to the least of these,
you have done it unto Me.
~ Jesus

the daily humorscopes for thursday, july 14th